Hudson-Berkshire Turtle Conservation

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Turtles are one of the most endangered groups of animals on the planet.  Over sixty percent of all turtle species are endangered with extinction.  The Orianne Society is one of the leading conservation organizations working to turn this trend around, and we have launched a new effort to conserve turtles in one of the most critical regions in North America. 

The northeastern United States is home to four endangered freshwater turtles – the Blanding’s, Bog, Spotted and Wood Turtles – and they each depend on different wetland habitats for their survival.  This is the only place where all four of these species occur and a place where we envision a secure future for these turtles. 

The Orianne Society collaborates with volunteers, communities, and partners to understand the status and needs of our focal species, works to conserve the habitats they depend on, and strives to educate communities on how special these species are. 

A generous donor is helping us to launch this initiative by matching funds that we secure, and your support will ensure that we have a strong start in delivering our high-impact and long-term conservation work in this critical region.  If you care about turtles or conserving these landscapes they depend on, please consider supporting our efforts by donating and having your investment doubled today. 

Read more about our work in the Great Northern Forests.

Watch our mini-documentary on the Wood Turtle, “Great Northern Turtle.”