Global Reptile BioBlitz



We need your help to save reptiles, which comprise vital roles in ecosystems on every continent except Antarctica. Many are rapidly disappearing due to habitat loss, climate change, disease and irresponsible collecting. Your photos can help conserve about 9,000 reptiles and help scientists understand where they persist and where they are disappearing. The Global Reptile BioBlitz is a world-wide effort to observe every species of reptile presented by the Reptile Database, HerpNet, the California Academy of Sciences, the Chameleon Specialist Group, Boa & Python Specialist Group, Crocodile Specialist Group, and Snakes & Lizard Specialist Group behind the IUCN/SSC Global Reptile Assessment. We need your help to further reptile conservation by connecting naturalists with scientists through shared photos. It could be your photo that confirms a threatened population of reptiles. To learn more about how you can get involved, visit and click ‘add observations.’