Places You’ve Never Herped 7 is Coming!


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We are pleased to announce our next Places You’ve Never Herped event which will take place December 4-8, 2015, and we’re announcing it four months early because… Drumroll please… PYNH 7 will take place in none other than Costa Rica! That’s right! We are thrilled to partner with Piro Research Station on the Osa Peninsula to give our members an extraordinary herping experience related to our Mesoamerica Project this year.

We will open registration on Wednesday, July 22 at 12:00pm EST for 20 participants to join our first-ever international PYNH citizen science event. Participants will arrive at Piro Research Station on December 4, herp all day December 5-7 and depart on December 8. This is going to be an experience of a lifetime, and we can’t wait to share it with our members!



Participants will be responsible for lodging expenses and travel arrangements. After registration, participants will be e-mailed instructions to book their lodging at Piro Research Station—the cost includes both food and lodging, and lodging at Piro consists of two bunk beds per room (four people per room). Participants will also be responsible for booking their own flights into San Jose. From San Jose, participants will need to plan their arrival into Puerto Jimenez via a one-hour flight, an eight-hour bus ride or a six-hour drive in a rental car. From Puerto Jimenez, Piro is about a one-hour drive via 4WD rental car, collective bus or taxi. For those interested, we will be organizing a group of taxis to travel from Puerto Jimenez to Piro. We strongly recommend that participants arrive in San Jose no later than December 3 and arrive in Puerto Jimenez on December 4.

Participants under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the duration of the trip.

More details about the event will be sent to registrants in the near future via e-mail—please ensure that a valid e-mail address is used during registration.