Rare, Endangered Toads Flown Back to Native Habitat



One hundred of the rarest amphibians on the planet have been flown to Tanzania in an effort to reintroduce the tiny amphibians into their former habitat.

The Kihansi spray toads (KST), last seen in the wild in 2004, were raised at the Bronx Zoo in New York and The Toledo Zoo in Ohio now reside at a new, state-of the-art propagation center in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s commercial capital.

“On behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, weare very grateful to the Bronx Zoo and The Toledo Zoo for taking care of these precious toads (KST) for 10 years, and now they have safely arrived home via KLM flight and all 100 toads are cheerful as witnessed by our Tanzanian trained KST keepers at the facility at UDSM Zoology Department. We are very optimistic that they will acclimatize soon and be taken to their homeland in Kihansi Gorge in the near future,” said Anna Maembe on behalf of the Government of Tanzania.

The Kihansi spray toad’s unique odyssey began shortly after the species was first discovered in 1996 living in a 5-acre micro-habitat created by the spray of nearby waterfalls in the Kihansi Gorge.

Read more at: http://tiny.cc/ykl5j