Rainbow Snake


Rainbow Snake from southern Georgia that was found basking during a snake fungal disease study.

“A rainbow snake (Farancia erytrogramma) from Southern Georgia that was found basking during our snake fungal disease study investigating the impacts species face, and the spatial variation across the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. Snake fungal disease is caused by the fungal pathogen Ophidiomyces ophidiicola, resulting in varied impacts and mortality in snake species across North America. We have found severe infections and unusual mortality with this species. Fortunately for this individual, lesions were minimal and likely will remain healthy as food and ideal temperatures become available throughout the Spring.” – Dane Conley

Dane Conley captured this image of a gorgeous Rainbow Snake – thank you for sharing your work with us!  To connect with Dane and see more of his work, please follow him (@god_dane_it) on Instagram and Twitter/X.

Learn more about The Status of Ophidiomycosis (Snake Fungal Disease) in Georgia and Beyond on Houston’s blog, Science of Scales.