Hatchling indigo snake next to a U.S. 25 cent coin for size reference
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Hatchling Indigo Snakes and Camera Trap Surveys

Our indigo snake season is winding down, but it was a pretty good winter for snake surveys, and we collected a lot of important data. Now the research crew is beginning to transition into some new spring projects, but they’ve still got a lot of indigo camera trap photos to go through. In this month’s episode of Fieldnotes, Ben recaps a particularly memorable day from this winter and highlights more sandhill biodiversity with another batch of camera trap photos.
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Surveying for Snakes With Drift Fences

Ben has been working on a snake inventory project in southwest Georgia for the last 2 years, and one of his main survey methods has been running drift fences with funnel traps. In this month’s episode of Fieldnotes, Ben checks some of those traps and highlights a colorful yet secretive snake species with a very specialized diet.
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